Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Featured Book: British It-Narratives: 1750-1830

My featured title this time around is another brilliant collection from the fine folks at Pickering & Chatto publishers.  This time their editors have collected and published a set of 18th century British it-narratives in four volumes.

I first became aware of it-narratives when I spoke to CWRU's Christopher Flint last December, about his new book "The Appearance of Print in Eighteenth-Century Fiction."  In it, he describes some of these it-narratives, which have as their central characters personified inanimate objects such as coins, watches, or in one case, an atom.  These objects then have their own narrative point of view, oftentimes using their proximity to their human owner to provide intimate and often humorous observations.

Want to read the History and Adventures of a Lady's Slippers and Shoes?  Come check it out!

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